1) Hi Anima Morte, since i’m finding a little boring asking the same intro question, all over again, let’s say you’re a prog rock band strongly influencend by the horror movie soundtracks, smothing beetween Frizzi and Goblin with hints of Carpenter (if you dont agree, just correct) so the question is: how did you guys came up with the idea of an horror driven instrumental band?
Well I (Fredrik Klingwall, ndr) (had been writing instrumental music before Anima Morte in the late nineties and it was certainly in the cinematic domain I thrived, but then the urge to do music more like the stuff from the seventies so it made more sense to be more people. First it wasn’t even supposed to be a band, more of a collective, picking the people most suitable for the task, but then Me, Teddy, Stefan and Daniel have worked very good as the core of the setup. Mattias Olsson whom we have worked with on the two latest albums is also a returning mastermind. Most of all we try not to be too serious because we want music to be fun first and foremost.

2) Since your LP’s sounds like soundtrack, have you ever had therequest to write something for a movie? Side question: if you can choose a movie from any era to write the sound track the movie will be...
There have been some, but we couldn’t do it due to being busy recording albums etc. However if I could choose a film from any era… it would be maybe a dark silent movie? Hard question!

3) Your facebook profile quotes influence from Morricone, Frizzi and Goblin, allmighty italian musicians and youhad worked with Cripple Bastards for the extra track of “Misantropo a Senso Unico”. Do you like the italian Punk\Metal
Music (and the punk metal sound of your country also)? What do you find so good in the italian prog sound?
Well we are into all kinds of stuff from extreme metal to punk to classical etc. No boundaries really. I am not that familiar with the italian punk scene but the prog scene has produced some very fine bands. I think I like it for the same reason I like the Swedish prog scene, a sense and willingness to experiment while retaining a certain darkness and melancholy. I don’t like when things get to whimsical.

4) Since Zan (one of the 2 owner of this blog) is a huge Cripple Bastards fan, tell him how it was working with their material!
Haha it was great, they wrote us and asked if we wanted to collaborate on this track they had with a certain giallo vibe which suited us. Since we love doing unexpected and fun collaborations, of course we said yes! They sent us what they had recorded and we did some mellotron and analogue synth overdubs and sent it back. Quick, dirty and really fun!

5) Tell us the 5(or more) soundtracks\records that you guys find mandatory and why,also name us your favouirite Horror\Giallo Splatter movies.
Easy and hard at the same time…
  •  Goblin - Suspiria (Creepy and ahead of it’s time in so many ways)
  • Fabio Frizzi - The Beyond (Some of the finest themes in horror history)
  • Ennio Morricone - The Thing (Totally effective and claustrophobic simplicity)
  • Stelvio Cipriano - Nightmare City (Classic zombie stuff and fun!)
  • Goblin - Dawn of the Dead (Genre defining)
When it comes to movies, all of the above of course, but most of the stuff Argento and Fulci made during their golden horror years. What I find most interesting is to discover a hidden gem that I haven’t seen in this genre so if you have any with a brilliant score let me know!

6) What kind of gear do you use to have that peculiar sound, is it all vintage stuff or do you use some more modern equipment?
A bit of both I guess, we use a lot of weird old instruments like themellotron which is a kind of tape machine. Quite a lot of different analogue synthesizers, mixing it up with real instruments like bouzouki, vibraphone, different guitars, harpsichord, organs etc.

7) Are you planning any new record?
Hmm we said when we were recording ‘Upon Darkened Stains’, this is it in terms of albums, but then time passes and you forget how much work it is and you should never say never etc. However we will
not do such a massive thing again, probably more singles and EP’s during next year. We do have some special stuff coming up with Italian connection hehe.

8) Horror Records had released two of your LPs in vinyl (we got “Face the Sea of Darkness” in bronze colour down there). You will keep on releasing the vinyl edition with them? Are you into vinyls? If yes, what's the most precious gem of your collection?
Actually our label Transubstans took care of the latest LP Upon Darkened Stains. I think vinyl is a very nice format, due to its size for artwork etc. and there is something special listening to a vinyl album in terms of the experience. My most precious gem… hmmm haha that would be Twisted Sister’s Stay Hungry which I got when I was six, that and an old copy of the Jaws soundtrack which I listened to growing up.

9) What am i gonna expect form an A.M. show? In which kind of context do you usually play? Prog bands only or have you shared the stage with other kind of bands?
We don’t usually play yet. We have had some offers to do so but unfortunately due to different reasons we have not been able to pick up that stuff yet, but there will be some day where we perform something in a cinematic horror framing, an old theatre with lots offog machines would be perfect!

10) Do you have any side projects?
Haha yes indeed! I used to play in Loch Vostok with Teddy, Daniel and me and Teddy played in a death metal project called Flagellation. I write some own solo work as well. Teddy used to play in horror thrashers F.K.Ü. among others (four finger salute to F.K.Ü. nd. xZANx) , Stefan plays in some punk bands from time to time. Always some stuff going on haha.

11) The shit is over, sorry for the silly questions. Now write what you want!
Thank you for the interest and the interview.
Check out our albums at

Cheers Fredrik / Anima Morte

Authors _ xZANx and SARA

Reviewing your records since 2011. Married in the name of Slayer.

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