Alberto is a young metalhead from Spain who put out ass-ripping desing for Bomber Recs and Soldier Of Hell. If you're looking for a shirt or patch design and you want it to be in a over the top 80s style, this is the man of your dreams.

1) Hi Alberto, how are you? Introduce us your projects Soldier From Hell and Bomber Records. How did you developed your passion for graphical art and design?
Hi xundisputed attitudex, thanks a lot for interviewing me. I’m fine! Well, Bomber Records is a small label, started by Mike Leprosy, Iron Curtain’s singer, as a  way to release cool merchandising stuff like patches or t-shirts. 2 years after, I joined him as a amateur designer, where I started designing band patches like Muro, KAT, Ruthless... some were official ones, some were bootlegs, but all in all, patches. One day, we received a request, a guy wanted us to design (not produce) a patch for a mexican band, so that’s why I thought I should start my own designer page, which as you mentioned, is called Soldier Of Hell Design. I wanted it to be  like my personal portfolio where I upload all my merchandising ideas (at that time, I didn’t have money, so those were just that. Ideas.) and from time to time, I started to get small requests from bands, so I could get some money. One day, I decided to print some by myself because people started to be really interested in my stuff, so I was like “Why not?”. Nowadays, despite the fact that I get requests from bands and other distros, I work hand in hand with my pal Mike in Bomber Recs.

2) You often re-elaborate glorious and ultra underground 80s designs. How do you choose which one is worth some work? Pure visual addiction or love for the band? Do you contact the bands or is pure underground fanatic love?

 I mainly focus on bands that I actually like and love. Sometimes, the decission is made after I was listening to an specific album, and I’m like “Damn, it would be so great if I have a t-shirt from this band”. I usually do the stuff I would like to buy for myself. If I wouldn’t buy it, I don’t do it (except if it’s a request). When I started with these designs, I didn’t have much resources nor contacts to make official stuff, so I started printing bootleg designs. Nowadays, I have more visibility among the Metal world, so I’m trying to make every t-shirt I do as a official one. If I do a bootleg t-shirt is because: a) The band is out of my reach (e.g. Iron Maiden or Judas Priest) b) the band is not active anymore (e.g. Vio-Lence). As much as I can get benefits from this, I don’t do this for the sake of money, but for the sake of Metal Collection, because I’m a collector like every fellow metalhead and I just like to hoard t-shirts, patches, LPs...

3) Heavy metal is known for its over the top front covers and the execessive outfits of the its followers, so now we ask to you a particoular question: we want your 5 favourite records, your top five front covers (singles are allowed) and 5 top patch/shirt (could be from you or another designer).
Ow, that’s a though one hahaha. Well, among all the albums that have crossed in my life, I would choose these 5:
  • Annihilator-Never, Neverland
  • Venom-Black Metal
  • Sodom-Persecution Mania
  • Iron Maiden-Somewhere In Time
  • Judas Priest-Screaming For Vengueance
Regarding front covers, I would say:
  • Iron Maiden-Somewhere In Time
  • Death-Leprosy
  • Autopsy-Mental Funeral
  • Exciter-Long Live The Loud
About patches and t-shirts, I’ll mention labels and designers that release their own merchandising, because there are way too many good merch:
Any cover by Andreas Marschall, but if I have to choose one, I would say Running Wild-Black Hand Inn.

4) You are from Spain and beside Baron Rojo and Iron Courtain we can’t remember much spanish bands. Take us in trip across the spanish scene and point us who represent Spains at its best into HM (and punk, if you dont mind).
You mentioned 2 of my favourite national bands! Beside these two bands, there are really great bands like Muro, old Obús, Zarpa, Panzer, Beer Mosh, Santa, Evo,Witchtower and Frenzy... I’m not a big fan of Punk as I am of Heavy Metal, but there are lots of great bands like Eskorbuto, Totalickers, Black Panda, RIP...

5) Are you involved into some band or project?
Let’s say a “project”. I’ve been arranging a musical project called Night Curse for some years already. Mostly, it’s just me doing all the composition, but I’m getting help from some friends since I’m not much of a “one-man band” man. It’s very influenced by old German Heavy/Power Metal in the likes of Running Wild, old Helloween, old Blind Guardian, Tyrant... but also some American bands like Omen or Overlorde.

6) It seems to us that some metalheads are ultra focused on buying diehard/ ultralimited patches for the sake of the design instead of the real quality of the music. Some are to focused on the aou reesthetic and don’t bother of owning the music; for us the rule is :”no physical music = no merch”. What do you think about?
 Well, that’s a though one. I’m just 21 years old, so when I started collecting records, vinyl LPs were already a trend, so prices got overinflated by many collectors. As long as I can, I’ll try to get a copy of the record for myself, but sometimes, you can’t just pay 100€ for a single record! It’s nuts! So yeah, I got patches or merch from some bands that I don’t own any record, personally I don’t see the issue, as long as I keep collecting records. If by any means, people just focuses on buying patches and doesn’t own a single record, then now that’s plain sad, if you ask me.

7) When you first got into metal, what was the main aspect that made you join the subculture?
Ah, that brings me nice memories. I remember starting with this madness when I listened to the first notes from The Trooper, that hymn from Iron Maiden. I think it was because of the artworks, the sound, the apparels... it was calling me like a siren call.

8) Beside the famous desings that you re-elaborate, are there some actual bands that you worked with?
I’m still very young in this kind of business, but yeah, I’ve worked already with some bands, by request or by asking them for license. So far I’ve worked with Crystal Viper, Witchtower, Ashbury, Iron Curtain... and some more.

9) What other kind of visual design are you into (comics, videogames, classical art o whatever do you want)?
I really like the 80s cheesy futuristic style: neon lights, chrome logos... That style that seems to be on a revival. Just look at Kung Fury!! Also, I’m really into videogames, but it’s been so long since I’ve owned my last console. Nowadays I have a laptop, but it can run many games, but I keen on indie releases.

10) Espacio libre chaval! Thank you for your time. 
Thanks a lot for your interest! Arrivederci!!

Authors _ xZANx and SARA

Reviewing your records since 2011. Married in the name of Slayer.

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