Agguerrita female-fronted band di Filadelfia, fautrice di un grind a tinte hardcore e talvolta noise.
Una voce straziata e disturbante si staglia su una produzione marcia e lo-fi che però non inficia minimamente l'impatto della band, la quale si difende bene in questo esordio, fondendo il rumore puro con la giusta dose di introspezione.
I testi sono un squarcio visionario su stereotipi di genere, neoimperialismo e abuso di potere.
Fuori in cassetina per la Infinite Weed Records.
Dategli un ascolto.


This female fronted grind/ hardcore band from Philadelphia is on the warpath, delivering their own blend of grind and hardcore with noise elements.
They shout political lyrics with a haunting and disturbing voice and with a mix of sheer aggression and noisy part.
For what concern the lyrical matters, the address topics such as gender roles, neoimperialism, mental health, religion, and the systemic abuse of power with and introspective and visionary approach.
Out on tape for Infinite Weed Records.
Give it a try.

Authors _ xZANx and SARA

Reviewing your records since 2011. Married in the name of Slayer.

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