I milanesi Skulld ci colpiscono duro con questo secondo EP, che ci viene lanciato in faccia da Italian Extreme Underground (in collaborazione con altre etichette) e che lo stampa sotto la sacra egidia del vinile... ma non è il formato quello che conta ma bensì, quello che il giradischi può tradurre dai solchi di Reinventing Darkness!
Come ormai è noto ad xUndisputed Attitudex piacciono i dischi di confine, quelli "crossover" si diceva tanti anni fa, anni in cui forse era meno ovvio mischiare punk e metal, ma quando veniva fatto riusciva con più naturalezza.
Questa stessa naturalezza spinge il combo milanese a impiantare su una solida base hardcore dei riff d'ispirazione black\death tanto feroci quanto melodici che danno vita a un'amalgama sonora competitiva ed interessante dove i riff sembrano talvolta pescare da gruppi come Wolf Brigade o Ekkaia per lanciarsi poi lead alla Dismeber che fanno emerge il sinistro lato melodico di questi negromanti hardcore-death.
25 minuti in cui non la mandano a dire con la doppietta growl\scream di Pam veramente sugli scudi, cantando testi oscuri e criptici ma attinenti alla realtà, come la grandissima traccia finale "Satanic Feminist" dove mai rabbia e voglia di rivalsa furono più giusti.
Punti in più perché in un disco fondamentalmente death metal si legge "we are and always will be antifascist,antisexist,antiracist and against any form of repression".


Hailing from Milan Skulld hit us hard with this second EP that is thrown in our face by Italian Extreme Underground that prints (with the support if other labels) it under the sacred aegis of vinyl, but it is not the format that counts but what the turntable can translate from the grooves of Reinventing Darkness!
As is well known the xUAx crew  likes the records who are border crossing those "crossover" like were said many years ago, years in which it was perhaps less obvious to mix punk and metal, but when it was done it was more natural.
The same naturalness that pushes the  Milanese band to implant on a solid hardcore basis some fierce and melodic black \ death-inspired riffs that give life to a competitive and interesting sound  forging riffs that sometimes seem to recall from bands like Wolf Brigade or Ekkaia to then evolve in  leads a-la Dismeber that bring out the sinister melodic side of these hardcore-death necromancers.
These 25 minutes do not show any mercy to with Pam's fiercefull growl \ scream really that really stands out singing dark and cryptic lyrics but related to reality as the great final track "Satanic Feminist "where anger and desire for revenge were never more rightfully reclaimed.
Plus points because on a death metal record you can read "we are and always will be antifascist, antisexist, antiracist and against any form of repression".
Highly recommended.




Authors _ xZANx and SARA

Reviewing your records since 2011. Married in the name of Slayer.

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